The tent I made for the kids

Inside the tent
It stayed up the ENTIRE weekend
The weekend went by way to fast, as usual. Gordon is going to New York tomorrow and won't be home until Friday, boo, but on the up side, he lands around noon and is coming straight home, thus starting the LOOOONNNG weekend for Labor Day, so that is something to look forward too.
We had fun though, we went to the beach Saturday and Sunday, which was much needed. The beach is such a great place for rejuvenating, I know I say that every time we go, but it really is, something about the sun, the sound of the waves crashing, the smell of the ocean, its so great!

I faced a fear on Sunday, I went ALL the way in. I never do that, I have this fear of the unknown, the stuff I can't see. I have been telling myself for a the past year that if I am going to LIVE here, 2 blocks from the ocean I really need to just get over it. I am missing out on all the fun. So gripping the hand of my friend, Claudia, sorry if I broke your fingers C!!! We ventured out. I had so much fun and I was not even scared once I got out there, jumping over and going under waves. Letting them carry us back to shore then running out again, next time we are bringing a body board, oh and I want to learn to surf now :) YEA ME!!
I am really excited because our small group is going to officially start meeting again, in two weeks after school gets back and everything is settled from summer. We are doing the Fireproof Series, and Gordon and I can't wait! We (him and I) have also decided that we are going to go through the Love Dare book, so that will be fun.
Also accomplished this weekend, we FINALLY got everything Ethan needs for school, uniforms, supplies, lunch box, shoes, socks and undies :) WHEW so glad thats done!
Ok thats about it for now, I hope you all have a fantastic week!!
Mel x
10 weeks, 5 days pregnant