My granny is dying. There I have said it, well written it, out loud. I hate that. I hate that I even have this topic to "blog" about. For as long as I can remember my granny has been full of life, laughter, and fun. She took me, when I was 3, to get my ears pierced while she was babysitting me one day, with out my mothers knowledge. She bought me baby chicks for Easter one year. She let me pretend to be a puppy and eat frosted shredded wheat cereal out of a bowl (like a puppy) while walking like a puppy up and down her stairs without getting annoyed (I was making a big mess). My grandpa has been a little more subtle but lets just say my addiction to coffee started at a very young age thanks to him :) My granny opened her home to me to live when I needed a place. She told me about love, and loss. She listened to me when I cried to her about love, and loss. She never judged, never "disapproved" of me, she helped me feel that what I felt, what I was going through was real and true and I had the right to feel how I did. We talked for hours and hours about life and adventure. She showed me that in this life, even when you don't have much, just make sure you have love. Appreciate and cherish those closest to you, and it will create a bond so deep that nothing can shake it. We have an amazing and unique family. All 30+ and more of us :) I believe that to the bottom of my soul. We have learned that even when life is hard, love remains. Watching my granny and grandpa go through this, through this hell on earth. She, trying to be strong and stoic for him, who desperately needs her to live. Him trying to be optimistic, nearly to the point of denial for her, who needs him to let her go. Its a beautiful love. It has taken a lifetime to build, but the legacy it leaves will last for generations. I pray and hope that someday my marriage and family can be a glimmer of what they built. When people think or talk about "That kind of love" it is their picture I see.

Mel xoxo
Thank you so much for sharing this. What sweet pictures you have of them too!
ReplyDeleteSo happy to see you blogging...I hope you visit mine sometime. Just had to tell you this is the sweetest post, & I was in tears by the end with their amazing picture. Isn't it wonderful to have had someone like her/him in your life?! :)