So yesterday Ethan got a note sent home saying that he was in violation of the dress code, in that his hair was too long. I know he is going to a private, Christian school, but come on people its 2009 not 1959, oh and we live in CALIFORNIA in a beach town. Needless to say we weren't happy, BUT not wanting to be "those" parents, I took him to get his hair cut today. He's actually quite cute and he likes it so its all ok. But still, really???

Had a midwife appointment today too, it went well. I am 16 weeks today, I felt the baby move, like kick my hand, yesterday for the first time and that was so great. Gordon felt it on Sunday while we were laying in bed watching a movie. We are going to get an ultrasound in the next few weeks, probably around 19 weeks, just to make sure everything is looking good. We have decided to not find out the sex of the baby, which is going to be hard for me because I am an impatient person. We found out with both Ethan and Addison what we were having, so we think that the surprise will be fun.
Speaking of Addison, she really is turning into a toddler, tantrums, strong will and all. It's hard for me to try and transition into more of a discipline structure with her because she was my little angel baby, she was the most perfect baby anyone could want, and all of a sudden she has this will and stubborness that is new to me and hard for me to accept. It is what it is though and I am figuring it out :)
These past few weeks have been filled with some sad news of a couple who is very close to us whose marriage is over, and I think it has made Gordon and I appreciate how hard we have worked on our marriage and the love, commitment, and appreciation we have for each other has only grown deeper.
My mom flies out next week for a quick visit and I am so excited, and I can't wait to spend some time with her, although I know that she will be mostly dominated by Ethan, he LOVES his nanny.
Thats about it other than cooking, laundry, cleaning, errands, park, baths, hugs, boo boo's made better with a kiss, oh and speaking of kissing, better give the husband one before passing out from exhaustion in bed.......
Mel x
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