Monday, April 5, 2010

The Birth of Jude...and the backstory to the decision...

I have always had this dream of having a homebirth. When I was pregnant with Ethan its something I wanted and we were considering, at the very least I wanted the natural birth experience. Unfortunately everything went wrong and he was born almost 6 weeks early via C-section due to pre-eclampsia. That was a HORRIBLE experience, I didn't see him for almost 24 hours, and when I did it was from a wheelchair and I was so out of it from the drugs etc I don't really remember it very well. Ethan was in the NICU for 7 days before we were able to bring him home, its a strange feeling leaving the hospital after having had a baby, without your baby!!
I experienced horrible post-partum depression (which went undiagnosed for 10 months) and thought I was the worst mother on the planet and couldn't understand/deal with why I was having such a hard time. I loved Ethan, but I didn't like him, and it has taken me a very long time to admit that. Let me just clarify that I am madly in love with my son and I like him very much :) I became somewhat obsessed with birth and what it means and how it affects women. I started researching post-partum depression and found that there were sooooo many women out there who, after having a birth, felt cheated and let down about the way their birth had gone, and it wasn't just C-sections, it was vaginal births as well, but with all sorts of interventions that, after the fact, the woman felt was really unnecessary and sort of forced upon them, or "highly recommended" by their doctor.
I learned that their was really a lot more to "giving birth" thing than just scheduling your induction or C-section and thats it. Its this whole process, psychological , emotional, and physical.

So on to baby number 2, Addison. I knew from almost the second Ethan was born that if/when I were to have another baby that I was going to have a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) I was absolutely determined, I did TONS of research on the topic and one of the reasons (among many) that we waited 4 years to have Addison was because I wanted to make sure that I had TOTALLY healed (my scar) and that I had as much going for me to have a successful VBAC as I possibly could.

So on to her birth, the entire time I was pregnant with her, I never doubted it would be what I wanted. I just believed it. I made it past 34.5 weeks and that was a huge milestone because thats when my blood pressure and everything else fell apart with Ethan. Finally I made it to my due date, I was ecstatic, however, I was told that if I went a week overdue I would have to have a repeat C-section. That terrified me, so I went in ON my due date for a membrane sweep, and thankfully it seemed to work because I went into labor that night. It was about midnight and I knew I was having contractions, we got to the hospital about 2am and I was dilated to a 6 (woohoo), the pain was getting more intense but manageable. Shortly after I got there the midwife (this was in England and unless there are complications a midwife attends your birth even in the hospital) offered me the shot of whatever it is that "takes the edge off", I accepted. (now in my birth plan I had stated I wanted to go au natural, and walk around and do all those things that a woman naturally feels like doing in labor anyways, but because I was a VBAC I had to be hooked onto the fetal monitor as soon as I got there, and stay hooked, so there went my movement except for the bed or right next to the bed, grr) so seeing as how I couldn't really "go with" my contractions taking the edge off sounded pretty darn nice. I HATED that shot, I felt totally out of control of myself, I said strange things and was in this strange passed out state in between contractions (not from tiredness but from being drugged), at one point I asked Gordon if he had bought the new refrigerator, we had no plans for one nor had we ever discussed this, just to put my drugged self into perspective :)

So at some point in my labor I got the "urge to push" so I was (not that you can help it, its an urge people that you have NO control over), well the midwife told me I shouldn't be pushing because apparently I was only an 8 (in retrospect, don't you think a woman's body knows how to give birth? and when? anyways thats another story) so she told me she thought I should get an epidural so I wouldn't push anymore, and at that point I was in the serious throws of labor, and heck yea, if someone is offering relief ANYONE would take it at that moment. So I get the darn epidural (which by the way was INSANE to sit still for because I was having pretty much back to back contractions and sitting still during that is pretty impossible) BUT it gets in there, and I am thinking at any second there will be sweet relief, oh wait about 3 mins after the epidural gets in I am told I am a 10 and can start pushing (gee thanks!!) Can I just say for the record I don't think I ever stopped pushing I just tried desperately not to let on like I was because, like I said, its an urge not a choice and I really had no control over that one!

Addison was born about 20 minutes after I "officially" started pushing, with permission and it really was so amazing, I mean she was on my chest immediately and she didn't leave me for about an hour at least, no taking her ANYWHERE for anything. Even when she did finally get taken to be weighed and things it was just right there next to the bed, and then right back to mommy. I felt a bond with her immediately and I realized I had not experienced with Ethan (which to this day breaks my heart and makes me cry if I dwell on it).

So yea for VBACs and I was beyond grateful and happy that I was able to experience a "natural birth" but...... still in the back of my mind and deep in my soul I just knew that there had to be an even greater experience. I didn't really dwell on it much and we weren't sure if we were going to have anymore kids. BUT low and behold we both knew that there was one more little person that was supposed to exist in our family, so we decided to go ahead one more time to make our family complete :)

BEFORE I was even pregnant I knew there was no way on this planet I was going to give birth in a hospital here in the states (nothing wrong with those who choose to, but for me I knew it would be a disaster) case in point, when I mentioned to my OB-GYN that we were trying for no.3 she told me that "Well you have had a VBAC so I will let you try, but if you hadn't had one then I would make you have a repeat C-section" ummmm make me huh, see ya!!

Option 2, Nurse-midwife in a hospital.
Hospital: "Sorry but we don't allow VBACs period in this hospital anymore."
Me: "Well I have had a natural birth already so I am sort of technically not a VBAC really anymore."
Hospital: "Tough bananas, the answer is no."
Me: "Ok then, see ya."

Option 3 (which was really my first choice anyways) HOMEBIRTH with a midwife. I had spoken to Sue (my midwife) before I was ever pregnant to ask questions, etc. So when I became pregnant I called her immediately to set up our first appointment. I saw her every 4 weeks throughout the pregnancy and every appointment lasted about an hour and that in itself was awesome, it was a relationship/friendship that developed over the 9 months. I know she has lots of clients but every time I saw her, I felt like I was her ONLY client, like she lived for my pregnancy and birth, which is a really awesome feeling.

As my due date got closer the appointments became more frequent (just like with an OB) and we really started focusing on the birth. At 37 weeks we got the birth-pool, and the supplies that would be needed at the birth. I was SOOOOO excited for this birth I could hardly stand it. I was so convinced that he was going to come around 38ish weeks being my 3rd and all. 38 weeks came and went, then 39 weeks, then 40 weeks, WHAT?!?! Anyone who has ever gone over their due date knows that every day that you go over feels like a year, its crazy. AND seeing as how not many people go over due to inductions, etc everyone that heard I was 1 day over, then 2, then 3, then 4 etc looked at me like I had two heads and immediately asked when I was getting induced. The two heads look became two head with an extra arm when I told them I was having a home birth and he would come out when he was ready to.

Not that I didn't try some natural induction techniques, we tried it all, even did the membrane sweeping, I walked about 400 miles in 2 weeks, and probably if you would have looked through my window you would have seen my holding onto a door handle or the stair banister with every braxton hicks contraction going into a super deep squat, and I bounced on my big ball so much I am surprised Jude didn't come out with a little round mark on the top of his head :)

I had a daily cry from 40 weeks onwards, and I started to feel really crazy, a million things went through my mind. "What if my body doesn't work this time?" "What if I have to have a repeat C-section?" "WHY is this baby not coming out?" I went through about 2 weeks of "false labor" symptoms, I would have my nightly contractions that never turned into anything more intense, I was dilated to a 4 at 40 weeks (so I was like any second now, right?!) WRONG.

FINALLY on day 7 past my due date, I went to bed having resigned myself to the fact that I was going to be the first woman in history to be pregnant forever. I woke up at 11pm, having a contraction and thinking, oh yea, here we go again, have one, have another, maybe even a few more then nothing. I fell back asleep and woke up again around midnight having another one. I decided to get up to pee and whilst peeing I had another contraction, stronger than I had been feeling. I decided to call Sue out of sheer frustration, if nothing else she could come over, check me tell me if ANYTHING was happening and whatever. So I call, she says she is on her way, and no sooner had I hung up the phone that I had another STRONG contraction. OOOO I am thinking maybe this really is it. Yep it was from that moment I had a contraction about every 3 minutes and they just got stronger and stronger. I wake Gordon up, wake my mom up, and they start filling up the pool, we have a hose going into from the shower and every pot we have on the stove to heat up water (because really like our water tank is going to stay hot long enough right). So while they are doing this, I am walking around the house. I had a few contractions in the living room, all by myself (which I actually liked) on my ball, but I decided that I didn't want to sit I wanted to MOVE with them. I got into this rhythm, feel a contraction coming, start (what my husband started calling) the "David Beckham dance" I just sort of jogged on my tippy toes or something and shook my hands to keep them loose, it really helped, oh yea and super breathing, big in and big out.

So, Sue arrives (about 1:10am) and starts getting all her stuff set up, and I just hang out in my bedroom having contractions and talking. Someone starts a pot of coffee, which was one of my favorite parts :) I know strange right, I think its because it symbolizes how relaxed the whole thing was..... how normal.

The contractions were getting stronger but I was doing ok, just even more dancing and breathing. Jude was doing fine too, she checked him on her hand held fetal monitor frequently. Finally the pool is ready and Sue asks if I want to be checked before I get in (see my choice, not mandatory or necessary) I said yes, just because I wanted to know my "starting point". So check, and she tells me I am dilated to a 10!!!!! I was like WHAT??!?! I couldn't believe it because I hadn't been freaking out in pain, I mean heck yea it hurt with each contraction, but I was TALKING to people, and walking around. That alone made me feel elated, she told me the only thing between me and my baby was that my water hadn't broken yet so there was the bag of water. I decided that I did NOT want her to break the water, and that if he ended up being born in his bag that would just be cool :)

I get into the pool and continue having contractions and I start to push a little, I didn't have a huge urge yet, but knowing I was a 10 and ready I thought I will help him along. It wasn't this great massive hold your breath and push with all your might thing either, it was just kind of this light pushing at first. THEN it started to get intense, fast.

My contractions became incredibly strong, and I really sort of went into myself with them. Both kids were up at this point (it was probably 2am by now) and Addison was really interested it seems, she stood next to the pool most of the time, Ethan was laying on our bed at this point kind of half asleep just observing.

Ok so the contractions are really really intense at this point and my urge to push is overwhelming and I was holding on to Gordon's hands, he was kneeling on the outside of the pool and I was on my knees leaning on the edge of the pool. Each contraction that I pushed I just remember squeezing his hands crazy hard.

I heard Sue say at one point something to the effect of "Your mama is going to roar in a minute." and I remember thinking what is she talking about, because up to this point I hadn't been yelling or anything crazy. Yep about that time a contraction hit, and my primalness (i like that word ok) took over and I pushed crazy style and yep, ROARED I like to compare it a tiger on acid or something. Well Ethan went UNDER his blanket and I was like what am I doing? why am I being so loud? and yet I had zero control over that. In between these crazy roaring, pushing contractions I remember telling the kids, mommy is ok, I am ok :) ROAR again.

Finally his head was out, and I remember saying THANK GOD, and then asking if someone could please just pull him out!!! They all politely declined :) Then Sue told ME to reach down and get him and about that time another contraction hit, I sort of leaned back and did NOT roar but pushed and reached down into the water and pulled up my son right into my arms, and in that moment my head went into space and I was in heaven. I was so amazed at what I had just done and what had just happened. I just leaned back and we cuddled, he was so calm, he didn't even cry he just laid on me looking all around, he let out one big squawk but that was it. He was super alert and it was truly the MOST incredible, amazing, out of this world feeling I have EVER EVER had. Ethan and Addison were immediately by the pool looking at him and talking to him, it was this instant love and it was awesome. There was no rushing to cut his cord, in fact it was really neat, we all took a turn feeling the cord pulsing goodness into him :) I just laid in the water for I don't it was probably like 5-10 mins (yes people it was bloody and crazy but who cares!) I didn't, finally when the cord stopped pulsing, Gordon cut it, we asked Ethan if he wanted to but he said no :)
Sue took him and gave him to daddy to hold while I got out of the pool and took a quick shower (right in my bathroom) and hopped into bed. We all just snuggled and talked and looked at him while Sue and Lindsey (Sue's apprentice) cleaned EVERYTHING up. Then finally she lays Jude out right there on the bed and does the newborn check on him, then he gets weighed in the coolest scale ever (pics below). She makes sure he is feeding well and then, its over, the kids are back in bed, everyone is gone, and its me, daddy and Jude cuddled up in bed its about 5:00am at this point. Crazy!!

I still am in awe of that happening, I mean it was just this most beautiful, calm, happy, intimate, on MY terms birth. NO drugs, NO interventions, nothing but birthing my child into this world. I believed in the process, I believed in my body, and I survived it.

I know that not everyone would feel comfortable or safe having a home birth, and I am not trying to say that other forms of birth aren't or can't be as rewarding or meaningful. I have had the full spectrum of births. I just hope and want woman to be educated and informed on birth, empower yourselves with knowledge and what birthing really means other than getting a baby out, its so so much more than that.
Jude is our last baby, we knew that almost from the beginning of the pregnancy. We are complete, our little family of 5. I am so grateful and blessed to have ended this phase of life on such an amazing high, to have experienced something so euphoric and truly life changing.

Mel x

1 comment:

  1. Melissa... I think you are an amazing woman! I'm so proud of you for holding on to your convictions. I seriously cried reading this. What a beautiful, natural way to have a baby. (I had 2 there was nothing natural about mine.) I think you and Gordon are precious people. I can't wait to meet Jude and hang out with you guys! Congratulations again on not only Jude's birth but for him entering the world in the most ideal way. How special!
